Young Living Diamonds + Blue Spruce Club Founders
We are the founders of the Blue Spruce Club Tribe and it fills our hearts with joy and excitement to bring these pure, powerful products to every family and lifestyle in the world, all infused with the life-changing benefits of Young Living Essential Oils™!
"I’m a passionate wife and mother to two amazing dogs, Moose and Cougar. I’ve worked as an environmental biologist for the Ministry of the Environment for over eleven years, and I love sharing my environmental knowledge with others. Along my healthy living and healing journey, I have discovered an amazing company called Young Living.
I started sharing the products with others because I truly wanted to help people—and wow, did it help! So what started out as a sharing because I loved the product has now turned into a full time business for me and our family!
I’ve had quite a few astounding experiences since beginning to share the Young Living lifestyle. The first was earning the prized “Silver in Six (Si6)” award and receiving an Aroma Complete™ (with over 125 oils, worth approximately $2700 dollars—whoa!). Second, third and fourth were amazing all-expense paid trips to different Young Living farms in the United States and in Ecuador, as recognition of my passionate leadership and earning different leadership ranks of Silver, Gold and Platinum. In 2018, both Dave and I and members of our Sprucer Tribe were able to experience Winter Harvest in our (YL Canada's) very own Northern Lights Black Spruce Aromatic Farm in Fort Nelson, British Columbia, Canada!! It was absolutely amazing to see the Northern Lights and to know that the healing energy of the Northern Lights is captured within the Black Spruce trees/oils!
In 2018, Dave and I also visited and planted Helichrysum on the Young Living Farm in Split, Croatia! What I have learned is that all the Young Living farms are so different! Each has it's own charm and energy!
And finally, one of the MOST rewarding experiences has truly been forming the Blue Spruce Club, and feeling the incredible joy of spreading this beautiful lifestyle even further.
With the amazing Sprucer Tribe we have been able to touch thousands of lives of people across the globe! And in 2018 Christina and Dave earned the rank of DIAMOND!!!!
”I believe the body can heal itself when supported with clean water, simple organic whole foods, daily movement and the healing power of essential oils. I look forward to learning more about you and how we can assist you in your oily-journey so you can learn to live a spruced up life!"
Get in touch...
Email: christina@bluespruce.club
Phone: 647-992-4975
Member ID: 1420028
“Our Favourite YL Products & Oils: NingXia Red™, MultiGreens™, LIfe 9™ Probiotics, Essentialzyme-4™, ART™ Light Moisturizer, Super B™, Thieves™ Cleaner, Laundry and Spray, Valor®, Abundance™, and of course ... Idaho Blue Spruce essential oil! Dave loves all things Shutran! When you smell and use the products ... you will know why! ;)”